Postdoctoral fellowship (P.D. F.I.I.A.M.)
Eligibility for postdoctoral fellowship (P. D. F.I.I.A.M.)

Ph.D. of any Indian / foreign university or any recognised body.

Research guide / Ph.D. guide of any university / Institute.

Procedure for Postdoctoral Fellowship

Candidate will submit an application with U.S. dollors 700 (Seven Hundred Only) alongwith necessary documents to the Director,International Institute of Ayurved Medicine.

The candidate will submit four copies of a Thesis to the Institute.

Viva-voce will be conducted.

The decision will be communicated to the candidate.


Submission :

A candidate shall submit to the Administrative officer four copies of his/her Thesis.


The copies of the Thesis shall be bound in cloth-covered boards with levels permanently secured.

The front cover shall bear titles of the Thesis. The Name of the Author, the Name of the Degree, for which the Thesis is submitted, Name of Institute and the Year of submission.

The spine of the Thesis shall bear the name of the author, the degree for which the thesis submitted, and the year of submission. Optionally it may also bear the title of the Thesis. This information shall normally be printed along the spine in such a way that it is readable when the volume, is lying flat with the front cover uppermost.

If the thesis consists of more than one volume, the front cover and the spine shall also bear the number of each volume.

Paper and Type

All copies of the thesis shall be presented in a permanent and legible form in typescript or print. Copies produced by xerography or comparatively permanent process will be acceptable. Drawings and diagrams should be in black ink.

Paper of good quality and sufficient capacity for normal reading should be used. The size of the sheets should normally be A4 (i.e. 28.5 cm x 22 cm approx.)

Margins at the binding edge shall be not less than 4 cm and another margins not less than 2 cm.

Double or one-and-a-half spacing shall be used in typescript , except for Indented quotations or footnotes where single spacing may be used.

The Title Page and the Text, etc.

The title page of the thesis shall give the following information in the order listed :

The full title of the thesis and the sub title, if any;

The total number of volumes if more than one and the number of the particular volume;

The full name of the Guide;

The full name of the Author;

The degree for which the thesis is submitted;

The name of Institute:

The name of the department, Institute or centre in which the research was concluded;

The month and year of submission.
A table of contents shall immediately follow the title page.

If a list of tables and illustrations is provided, it should follow the table of contents and should list all tables , photographs, diagrams, etc. in the order in which they occur in the next.

The acknowledgements shall be on the page following the table of contents.

If the thesis contains any material which the author has before, this fact shall be indicated in a declaration immediately following the acknowledgements.

There shall be abstract of the thesis.The abstract shall follow acknowledgements and declaration.

For abbreviations not in common use, a key shall be provided with the full term followed by the abbreviations in bracket.

The thesis shall be divided approximately into chapters, sections and subsections.

The system of headings should be consistent and should provided a clear indication of changes in content, emphasis and other features which occur at each stage of the work. References cited in the text may be identified by one of the two methods , either. : By numbers typed as subscript, or if on the line, in brackets, immediately following the relevant word or phrase in text or By citing the authors name, date of publication and the page number in round brackets immediately following the relevant word or the phrase in the text (e.g. Chomsky, 1982:22-35)

Appendices shall follow the main text. The style of the appendices shall be consistent with the style of the main text.

The list of references should be arranged in accordance with the system of citation used. When using the method the references should be listed in the order in which they bare identified in the thesis. When using the method given above they should be listed alphabetically by author’s surname in both cases the list should enable the reader to identify the work cited and to locate the specific pages referred to.

If bibliography is supplied it should be arranged in a logical order, for example broad subject class , alphabetically by author.


Whenever practical diagrams maps illustrations computer printouts published papers and tables shall have a binding margin of at least 4cm and if possible be found in the thesis nearer the appropriate.

Material which cannot be conveniently bound in text (such as large maps slides sound or videotapes cine films)
shall be packaged in such a way that it can be bound with the thesis. If the amount of such material is substantial it should be gathered into a supplementary volume and packaged in a rigid container similar in format to the bound thesis. Unbound material and its packaging shall both the marked with the author’s name, initials and the degree for which the work is submitted in such a way that it can be readily linked with the thesis and it shall contain appropriate instructions for use.

Shashi Clinic : International Institute of Ayurved Medicine
Palus Tal: Palus Dist: Sangli, Maharashtra, India Pin: 416 310