Ayurveda: It is the worlds oldest and precious science of healing.It was in practice since 4000B.C.It is almost as old as mankind and since its fundamental principles are unchangeable with the event of time it can provide remedy for thr any disharmony in his life even in modern days. more
Ayurveda Relaxation - Rejuvenation

All types of arthritis, gout, Rheumatoid arthritis, Lumbar and Cervical spondylosis.
Skin disorders including Psoriasis.

Liver disorders including cirrhosis, hepatitis, pulmonary hypertension.

Hyperacidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Controlling diabetes, hypertension, ischaemic diseases with herbal supplement

Ayurveda Courses
Fellowship : FIIAM
Postdoctoral fellowship (P.D. F.I.I.A.M.)
Diploma in Ayurved Medicine. DM.(Ayurved)
Diploma in Ayurvedic Dietetics:
Diploma in Ayurvedic Massage:
Diploma in Panchakarma:(Detoxification) DPC.
Shashi Clinic, International Institute of Ayurved Medicine
Palus Tal: Palus Dist: Sangli, Maharashtra, India Pin: 416 310
Phone: +91 2346 228028, +91 98901 68028
Arthritis & Spine Centre - Palus, Kolhapur, Mumbai
Arthritis & Spine Centre